The Skinny Green Can

A Blog that promises very little - but delivers a step or two, more than expected.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Just because its new, doesnt mean it's better.

Some of my first memories of social networking surrounded my sister. There she sat, in her dark stuffy room, the glow of her TFT monitor lighting the oil on her skin, hunching herself over the keyboard. She was scanning through hundreds of photo's of people she knew through other people. became logical that when my friends suggested that I too should join MySpace, I was opposed to the idea. For months I resisted, and for months they insisted until it got to the point where, without my say, a MySpace page was created for me. Today, I take after my sister...sitting hunched over my keyboard, scrolling through people's photos I only know through other people. But it's Ok...everyone's doing it right?

I predominantly use Facebook to stay in contact - not so much with my closest friends (I physically talk to those people) but with distant friends, associates and those I've met through travelling. I wasn't convinced by MySpace, except for the discovery of new music, however, the longer I've been using Facebook the less opposed I've become. My little frustrations come down to having to sign in to my email, to be told I have a notification on Facebook to read, to which I further have to sign in [to Facebook] to get to. From that perspective, can't we just cut out the extra step and can't my friends just send me a sentiment directly? But then, one can't deny the power and influence of Facebook, it is ingenious - and it all comes down to the 'comment' system. Comment on photos, comment on one's status and comment on 'Uncle Bill's' party invite. That's definitely something email's too clunky for. How often do you send a 3 word email? Never.

The concern about privacy for me centres on advertising. We're at the point were our information is being manipulated to a degree where advertising has become far more closely marketed - and far closer to what interests us. I realised that I've arrived at a particular state where when i walk down the street, I look for words: words on bus stops, buildings, servo's, clothing, bill-boards - because legislation concerning the limits of marketing and consequently privacy, are slowly, but inexorably folding. Partnering with television, the Internet has become just another way of getting ads directly on our screens and up our noses. Privacy concerns? - hell yeah.


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