What i'm listening to...right now...this very moment.

Its curfew gull just glides
Upon four-legged forest clouds
Though its glow is waxed in black
All except when 'neath the trees of Eden
A Blog that promises very little - but delivers a step or two, more than expected.
Giving some decent thought to Essay Topics or Essay Questions, I think the one that best suits me, my writing and my research skills - essentially, the one that suits my strengths - is Question 1, and I'll post it below:
Our eighth lecture was presented by Jason Nelson whose eclectic, semi-hostile, spontaneous and thoroughly engaging way of presenting left us all surprised, amused and a little shocked.
Well starting off, I signed an E-Petition protecting Australian citizens from the death penalty. It can be found here.
Television comprises but one small part of my life. (Ok, maybe that's a sad understatement.) But when I do choose to watch something, I like to think that whatever it is, it has some merit. Shows with merit can normally be found rather consistently on ABC and SBS. One show of late that I have been watching religiously is ABC1's Stephen Fry In America. It's a 6-part documentary (or travelogue) following Stephen Fry and his adventures across the 50 states of America in a London Taxi. Fry is one of Britains more prominent men of intellect; he is an author; the voice of the Harry Potter audiobooks and a fresh TV personality with razor-sharp witticisms. My opinion of him recently improved upon spotting him in the crowd watching The Ashes - Australia and England's fiercest cricketing competition.
The lecture, which was presented by Adam, began with the heading: Creative Commons and Free Libre Open Source software/ programs. He then followed with a slide with three keywords: Community, Collaboration and Choice. Which are basically the staples of Open Source and Creative Commons.
Declaring that it would be the last time he graced us with his presence, Josh, the lecturer from the Gold Coast had a number of things to say on the Big and Small screen. And here we go: Beginning with the whiteboard, Josh wrote the title "Consumption & Production" and then separately created a split-graph with the appropriate headings: 'Big Screen' and 'Small Screen'. His idea for this lecture was to educate us on our understanding of the 'screens' the 'monitors' that we encounter and view from, day by day, and in which category they should fall into. The Cinema, the common household Television and the PC, he considered 'Big Screen' as they are mostly 'Shared' screens; but Fixed Media Players (like LCD monitors in cars), Personal media Players (like iPods and portable DVD players) and Mobile's are 'Small Screens' and therefore are considered 'Private'.