The Skinny Green Can

A Blog that promises very little - but delivers a step or two, more than expected.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

As Bloggers, be careful.

UPDATE : I found and posted this article before it was brought to my attention by Mark Bahnisch, my Tutor, through Student email.

I've found an interesting article regarding our rights (or risks) as blogger's utlizing this "New Communication technology".

One relates to our status as Bloggers, and the things we choose to publish. Though hardly surprising, a small time blogger in New York is being sued by an ex-Vogue cover girl for defamation. The blogger, Rosemary Port, a fashion student from New York labelled the Model as being "the skankiest in NYC" - the model found the article, went to the media then went to a judge and turned it into a big thing. Port claims her blog is so small, the only 2 people to read her "defamatory" article was herself (when she uploaded it), and the vogue model (who sued). The most interesting thing about the story is that when the Model went to court and won, the Judge ordered Google to reveal the blogger's Identity - and they did.

If that's all it takes to discover one's Identity through Blogging - shouldnt we all be a little concerned? Well, the long and short of it is is that now Port is suing Google for revealing her identity for $18 Million dollars, claiming they seriously failed to protect her ideneity. To quote:

"Our Founding Fathers wrote The Federalist Papers under pseudonyms. Inherent in the First Amendment is the right to speak anonymously.

"Shouldn't that right extend to the new public square of the internet?"

Check it out. If she's small time and getting sued, then we can be too.


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